As Point Metal, our policy is to closely follow technological developments and to provide service by prioritizing quality and customer satisfaction in a human and environmentally sensitive manner, with our knowledge and experience.

In order for our company to grow steadily; to work with all our strength in line with the principles of total quality management, to meet the demands and expectations of our customers, to raise the working and living standards of our employees, to create customers loyal to our brand without compromising our reliability and quality, to protect the environment we live in, to apply OHS practices at the highest level.

Our main goals are to ensure energy efficiency and savings for a more sustainable life, to prevent environmental pollution, to increase environmental performance, to prevent occupational accidents, to provide safe and healthy working environments, to reduce risks and to be constantly better by ensuring the participation of our employees in all our activities by complying with the standards and legislation in force.

As managers within Point Metal, we, as all employees, undertake to ensure that employees work safely and healthily, to provide the necessary resources, to observe and improve environmental conditions, to prioritize quality awareness and efficiency in all processes, and to accept and develop employee and customer satisfaction as the basic principle.